Plenary Debate: Archived Webpage from the First i2S Conference

This is an archived page from the website of the 2013 First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation.
Please note that this is a copy of a page from the original conference website which was hosted elsewhere; some links (eg., to the conference venue) have been removed and some of the material within the page refers to functionality that is no longer available (eg., references to material in the right-hand column).
A full site map of the archived website shows all the pages and elements that were on the original conference website. 


The conference will conclude with a plenary debate on the topic “That effective approaches to complex real-world problems need an underpinning discipline like Integration and Implementation Sciences”.

The debate will also launch the book Disciplining Interdisciplinarity: Integration and Implementation Sciences for Researching Complex Real-World Problems (see below).

The debate and book launch will be live in Canberra and will also be provided as a live video stream (webcast) that will also be made available for later download.

Debate Chair

Alison Ritter (Australia)


The Team ‘For’ the Proposition

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Michael O’Rourke (United States of America) 
Deborah O’Connell (Australia) 


The Team ‘Against’ the Proposition

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Daniel Walker (Australia) 
Howard Gadlin (United States of America) 


The debate will also launch the book Disciplining Interdisciplinarity: Integration and Implementation Sciences for Researching Complex Real-World Problems published by ANU E-Press in January 2013 and available free online.

The book is written by Gabriele Bammer and includes commentaries by Simon Bronitt; L. David Brown; Marcel Bursztyn and Maria Beatriz Maury; Lawrence Cram; Ian Elsum; Holly J. Falk-Krzesinski; Fasihuddin; Howard Gadlin and L. Michelle Bennett; Budi Haryanto; Julie Thompson Klein; Ted Lefroy; Catherine Lyall; M. Duane Nellis; Linda Neuhauser, Deborah O’Connell with Damien Farine, Michael O’Connor and Michael Dunlop; Michael O’Rourke; Christian Pohl; Merritt Polk; Alison Ritter; Alice Roughley; Michael Smithson; Daniel Walker; Michael Wesley; Glenn Withers.