Online: Archived Webpage from the First i2S Conference

This is an archived page from the website of the 2013 First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation.
Please note that this is a copy of a page from the original conference website which was hosted elsewhere; some links (eg to the conference venue) have been removed and some of the material within the page refers to functionality that is no longer available (eg references to material in the right-hand column).
A full site map of the archived website shows all the pages and elements that were on the original conference website. 


There is online access to the conference wherever you can connect to the internet. All presentations – invited and submitted – will be available online.

Digital posters are the main way for you and other participants to share your achievements and these can be viewed and commented on by clicking the green VIEW DIGITAL POSTERS button on the right hand side.

Live video of the conference will be available and after each session this video will be available on-demand. In particular, between September 9-11 (Australian time; this starts on September 8th in most other countries) we will be providing live video of all the conference plenaries, whether they occur in Canberra or elsewhere in the world. We will also provide live video of as many as possible of the digital poster sessions from the Canberra conference. To view the video (registrants only) click on the purple LIVE & ON-DEMAND VIDEO button. On-demand video will become available for anyone to view without charge after September 23, 2013.

You can network with other participants through LinkedIn and our active LinkedIn group and you can follow us on Twitter.